Gulebjerg near Marbæk

Distance: 12.42 Km

Gulebjerg near Marbæk. The national park's yellow viewpoint.

Gulebjerg is the Wadden Sea National Park's yellow viewpoint.
Gulebjerg consists of steep, yellow sand cliffs and has its name because of the yellow color the sand layers have Marbæk Clint has.

Updated by: Wadden Sea Coast |
Gulebjerg, Marbæk Photographer: Wadden Sea coast
Gulebjerg, Marbæk Photographer: Wadden Sea coast
Gulebjerg, Marbæk Photographer: Wadden Sea coast
Gulebjerg, Marbæk Photographer: Wadden Sea coast
Gulebjerg, Marbæk Photographer: Wadden Sea coast