Christel Seyfarth ART KNITS on Fanø

Distance: 3.87 Km

 | +45 70 20 28 22 | |  Christel Seyfarth ART KNIT | 
Christel Seyfarth's unique knitwear known far beyond Denmark's borders.

Christel Seyfarth's famous store on Hovedgaden in Nordby is worth a visit, not only for those who love to knit themselves, but also for all those who want to buy a completely unique finished hand-knitted model, designed by Christel Seyfarth.

Christel Seyfarth is well known beyond Denmark for her unique colorful models with lots of patterns and thousands of masks.

In the shop you can buy yarn, yarn kits and ready-made models, but there is also a large selection of books and other designer's models, common to all that is processed in beautiful wool.

Visiting the store is like going to an art show in an unusually colorful universe.

Updated by: Wadden Sea Coast |
Christel Seyfarth Art Knits Fanø Photographer: Christel Seyfarth Copyright: Christel Seyfarth