Seal safari - our nature

Distance: 19.81 Km

 | +45 29 28 75 55 | | 
Get up close and personal with the beautiful seals in the Wadden Sea National Park with your colleagues or partners.

A seal safari is a unique and obvious nature experience if you are a group of colleagues who would like to get together for a common and very special activity, or have invited foreign business partners to Denmark.
Together with a nature guide, you get up close and personal with the beautiful seals and gain insight into how these extraordinary animals live and why they live in the Wadden Sea National Park.

Updated by: Wadden Sea Coast |
See the seals in the Wadden Sea National Park Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
Seals in flocks in the Wadden Sea National Park Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
Seal sleeping | Wadden Sea National Park Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
Many seals on the beach | Wadden Sea National Park Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast