Boulder Cave in Esbjerg

Distance: 2.70 Km

 | +45 60 13 13 39 | |  Boulder Cave | 
Bouldering is indoor climbing, for both adults and children. At Boulder Cave, we have all levels from beginner to elite.

Try indoor climbing in our boulder center in Esbjerg

Bouldering is indoor climbing on climbing walls up to 4,8 m., And it takes place completely without rope or harness. We have, of course, taken great care of the safety of the hall, and there are thick mattresses under all the walls.

Fun activity for everyone

Bouldering in our climbing center is for everyone - children and adults, experienced and beginners. It is not necessary to have previous experience with bouldering, so we encourage anyone to take friends and family under their arm and get past Boulder Cave.

The problems (roads) are divided into different levels of difficulty with different colors of tape so you can climb according to your own level. We also offer courses in bouldering if you want to be well acquainted with the various techniques, grips and color systems.

Updated by: Wadden Sea Coast |
Boulder Caves | Climbing area Photographer: Boulder Caves Copyright: Boulder Caves
Boulder Caves | Climbing wall Photographer: Boulder Caves Copyright: Boulder Caves
Climbing wall | Boulder Cave in Esbjerg Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
Boulder Caves | Logo Photographer: Boulder Caves Copyright: Boulder Caves