Klingebjerg on Fanø

Distance: 6.36 Km

From Klingebjerg there is a view over the marshlands north and east of the dune plantation. These areas are some of the most important resting places for millions of migrating birds.

Klingebjerg is located on the northern edge of Fanø Klitplantage. The planting started in 1892, and now amounts to 1421 hectares. Originally, the plantation was to both dampen sand drift and be used for the production of wood. Today, it has purely recreational value, and a lot of work is being done to renew the plantation with other tree species than the original spruce and pine. Clearings are also created in the plantation. If you're lucky, you can meet deer, fallow deer and perhaps roe deer in the plantation.

Updated by: Wadden Sea Coast | info@vadehavskysten.dk
On the way to the top of Klingebjerg on Fanø | Wadden Sea coast Photographer: @Flying October Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
View from Klingebjerg on Fanø | Wadden Sea coast Photographer: @Flying October Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
Klingebjerg on Fanø | Wadden Sea coast Photographer: @Flying October Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast
At the top of Klingebjerg on Fanø | Wadden Sea coast Photographer: @Flying October Copyright: Destination Wadden Sea Coast