
Distance: 19.73 Km

 | +45 7522 0877  |  vam@vardemuseum.dk |  http://www.tirpitz.dk | 
Explore the old bunker and join us under the sand and listen to the west coast's hidden tales of shipwrecks, precious amber treasures and forbidden love. The Danish architectural firm BIG has created the spectacular setting for an attraction hidden under the sand in the protected dune landscape at Blåvand. The museum contains four permanent exhibitions, a gallery for changing exhibitions as well as a café and shop.

Tirpitz, Blåvand - world-class architecture

Discovering the exhibitions

Not only the architecture but also the exhibitions are something very special. The Dutch experience designers Tinker Imagineers, who have won several awards in Europe, have designed the exhibitions with a focus on experiences for the whole family.

The hidden west coast

Take a time travel that starts with the mammoths on the great plain, where there is now the North Sea. The journey continues to the early Blåvand with wizards and smugglers' inn, past the heroes of the sea and all the way to the flourishing camping life of the 1970s.

The gold of the sea

A beautiful treasure trove contains one of Europe's finest amber collections, and provides space for contemplation. Also meet the amber collector who talks about how to find amber yourself. Be fascinated by the properties of amber in the amber forest, and get to know the difference between amber and yellow stones.

An army of concrete

World War II was not only about concrete and cannons, but was first and foremost a world tragedy that affected ordinary people - also on the Danish west coast. Meet some of these fates in the exhibition, which is built up like a bunker landscape.

The Tirpitz bunker

The old bunker is a testament to the far-reaching consequences of World War II. Like a huge concrete block full of secrets, it calls for exploration in the narrow corridors. Here, too, a wealth of good stories is hidden.

Updated by: VisitVesterhavet | turist@visitvesterhavet.dk
Photographer: Mike Bink
Mammoth exhibition at the Tirpitz Museum Photographer: Tirpitz
Photographer: Mike Bink
Photographer: Mike Bink
Photographer: Mike Bink
Photographer: Mike Bink
Photographer: Mike Bink
Photographer: Mike Bink