Museumsgaden HC Ørstedsgade - Esbjerg

Distance: 0.40 Km

The street is a pure museum street and a successful example of Esbjerg's City Center project which was started in 1993.

The street's first two houses are No. 9 and 11, both built in 1889. They were then two family houses with an apartment in the living room and one on the first floor, obviously for families with children.

The newly added houses were also small and insignificant artisan houses and only No. 13 is different, slightly larger and architect-designed, built in 1909. There lived a family with 12 children.

The proximity to the power plant was to hear and feel. In one memory, it says that when the turbines were running, it caused the tile stove to dance and the porcelain dropped from the shelves.

Today's street houses are being renovated and well maintained and street lighting and paving have been restored to their original style.

Updated by: Wadden Sea Coast |
Museum street HC Ørstedsgade in Esbjerg Photographer: Destination Wadden Sea coast Copyright: Esbjerg City Historical Archives